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  • 笔刷插件
  • 2022-11-10 16:16
  • 莱,相机,图标,宝丽,老式,绘制,一个,Photoshop


Inthis tutorial, we will create a Polaroid camera icon. We will use lots of layerstyles and draw manually with the brush tool to achieve a realistic appearance.Let’s get started!



Step 1:Upper Body

Createnew file, with size 600×700 px. Start by creating a rounded rectangle withcolor: #dbd3co.

创建新的文件,大小为600× 700像素。首先,创建一个圆角矩形的颜色:#dbd3co。


Hit Command/Ctrl + T to perform transformation. Right click and choose Perspective. Pull lower corner outward.

点击命令/按Ctrl + T进行改造。右击并选择视角。下角向外拉。

Step 3

Addfollowing layer styles.


Step 4

Command/Ctrl-clicklayer to get a selection based on its shape. Nudge selection 1 px up bypressing up arrow. Hold Command/Ctrl + Alt then click layer again to subtractthe selection. This process will give you a 1 px selection on top of the shape.


Ctrl键点击层以获得其形状为基础的选择。微调选择1像素注册按向上箭头。按住Command/按Ctrl + Alt然后再减去按层选择。这个过程会给你一个形状的前1像素的选择。

Step 5

Createnew layer and fill selection with white. Reduce layer opacity to 60%. Below,you can see the subtle difference before and after adding a 1 px line.


Step 6

Repeatprevious step, this time for bottom of the shape. Fill selection with black.


Step 7:Middle Body

Use pentool to create this shape. Use #dbd3co for its color. Add Layer Style InnerGlow and Gradient Overlay.


step 8

Duplicatethe shape we have just created. Place it behind the original. Use arrow tool tomove the topmost points up. Change shape color to #908a7a.


Step 9

Theshape is still too light. We need to darken it again to add more depth. Createnew layer. Convert layer to Clipping Mask by pressing Command/Ctrl + Alt + G.Paint black on top of the shape.

形状仍然过轻。我们需要再次变暗增加更多的深度。创建新的图层。转换层的迫切剪贴蒙版命令/按Ctrl+ Alt+G。填充顶部形状为黑色。

Step 10

Createnew layer. Activate brush tool, in the Option Bar set brush hardness to 0%.Draw a soft white line.


Step 11

Again, paintanother soft white lines on indicated areas.


Step 12

Createnew layer. Command/Ctrl-click shape. Use soft brush to paint white on eachedge. Reduce layer opacity to 9%.



Step 13:Camera Face

Draw arounded rectangle for front face of the camera. Use #24201d for its color. AddLayer Style Gradient Overlay.


Step 14

Insideprevious shape, draw smaller rounded rectangle with color #131611. Add followingLayer Styles.


Step 15

Add asmall rounded rectangle with color #4a4847 and place it in the middle of theprevious shape.


Step 16

Duplicateshape, move it up 1 px. Change its color to #2c2a29.


Step 17

Createa new layer and convert it to Clipping Mask by pressing Command/Ctrl + Alt + G.Draw shadow on top of the shape.

创建一个新层,并将其转换按命令/按Ctrl + Alt+G。画上阴影的形状到剪贴蒙版。

Step 18

Duplicatethe shapes by dragging it while holding the Alt key.


Step 19

Draw ablack rounded rectangle. See picture below to see its position.


Step 20

HitCommand/Ctrl + T, right click and choose Skew.

点击命令/按Ctrl + T,右击并选择偏差。

Step 21

Pulllower right corner up. Add Gradient Overlay.


Step 22

Duplicateshape. Move it to the opposite side. Hit Command/Ctrl + T to performtransformation. Right click and choose Flip Horizontal.

重复的形状。将它移动到另一侧。点击命令/按Ctrl+ T进行改造。右键单击并选择水平翻转。

Step 23

Draw a roundedcovering both shapes we have just created. Add Layer Styles.


Step 24

Usetype tool to add camera name. Add a subtle Drop Shadow to give itthree-dimensional appearance.


Step 25

Draw acircle to be used as a camera lens. Add Gradient Overlay.



Selectcircle path. Hit Command/Ctrl + C then Command/Ctrl + V to duplicate it.Perform transformation (Command/Ctrl + T) and make it smaller. See picturebelow to reference.



Ctrl + V键复制它。执行转换(命令/按Ctrl+ T),使之更小。见下面的图片参考。

Step 27

Fromthe option bar, set path mode to subtract.


Step 28

Createnew layer then convert it to Clipping Mask by pressing Command/Ctrl + Alt + G.Draw highlight on top of the lens.

创建新层,然后将其转换为剪贴蒙按命令/按Ctrl+ Alt+G借鉴镜头前的亮点。

Step 29

Createnew layer and put it behind shape we have just created. Create circularselection and fill it with black. Soften it by adding Gaussian Blur (Filter> Blur > Gaussian Blur).


Step 30

Draw acircle shape with color #212121. Duplicate shape then move it 5 px up. Set pathmode to Subtract.


Step 31

Next,create a ring shape. To create this shape, start with a regular circle shape,duplicate the path and transform it to smaller size. Set path mode to Subtract.Add Bevel and Emboss and Gradient Overlay.


Step 32

We willstart drawing inner part of the lens. First, I want you to know that they arejust simply lots of circle shapes combined with layer style. Draw a circleshape inside the lens.


Step 33

Again,draw smaller circle shape. Add Bevel and Emboss and Gradient Overlay.


Step 34

Duplicateshape we have just created. Resize it to 98%. Delete all its layer styles andadd Gradient Overlay with this setting.


Step 35

Duplicatetwo circle shapes that we have created in Step 32 – Step 34. Resize them to asmaller size.

重复的两个圆圈的形状,我们已经创建在步骤32- 步骤34。调整到一个较小的大小。


Drawa bigger circle shape from the same origin. Place it behind other circleshapes. Set Blend Mode layer to Screen, reduce its Opacity to 2%, and addStroke.


Step 35

Duplicateand resize shape a few times to create more lines. Remember that the Opacity ofthese shapes is only 2%, very subtle.


Step 36

Draw acircle shape with color #515151 covering the lens. Add Gradient Overlay andreduce its Opacity to 38%.


Step 37

Let’sadd highlight and shadow to make it more realistic. Create a circular selectioncovering the lens. Create new group then click Add Layer Mask icon.


Step 38

Createnew layer and make sure it is inside the group we have just created. Fill layerwith black. Click Filter > Render > Lens Flare. Change blend mode toScreen and reduce Opacity to 15%.


Step 39

Createnew layer and paint highlights on the lens. Reduce layer Opacity to 10%.


Step 40

Usesmaller brush to draw some lines on the lens. Change layer blend mode to Screenand reduce Opacity to 15%.


Step 41

Drawanother layer and draw a small highlight and shadow.


Step 42:Viewfinder

Draw arounded rectangle with color #1b1614. Add following Layer Styles.


Step 43

Drawsmaller rounded rectangle. Add following Layer Styles.


Step 44

Duplicatecircle shapes from lens and resize it until it fit inside the viewfinder.Create a new layer on top of the circle and draw some subtle highlights.


Step 45:Button

Draw agreen circle shape. Add following Layer Styles.


Step 46

Duplicatethe green circle shape. Place it behind the original shape. Resize it to 102%.


Step 47

Draw aring shape with color #c9c2b1. Add following layer styles.


Step 48

Draw ablack circle and put it behind the ring shape. This will add depth onto thering and make it seems like a hole.



Createnew layer and place it behind all other button shapes. Draw a soft shadow.


Step 50

Draw acircle shape. Add Layer Styles Outer Glow.


Step 51: Knob

Let’s continue with the second button. Draw another circle, this time use #383838 as its color. Add following Layer Styles.


Step 52

Create new layer on top of the circle. Hit Command/Ctrl + Alt + G to convert it to Clipping Mask. Draw lots of 1 px black vertical lines.

对创建新层圈顶部。点击命令/按Ctrl + Alt+


Step 53

Draw a darker circle on top of the previous circle. Add following Layer Styles.


Step 54

Draw a ring shape behind the knob and add following layer styles.


Step 55

Draw a black circle behind the ring shape.


Step 56

Use soft brush to draw soft shadow under the button.


Step 57

Draw a circle shape behind the ring. Add Outer Glow.


Step 58: Flash

Draw a rounded rectangle. Add these layer styles.


Step 59

Draw smaller rounded rectangle. Add following Layer Styles.


Step 60

Duplicate shape we have just created. Remove all Layer Styles used. Set Fill layer to 0% then add Layer Style Bevel and Emboss.


Step 61

Draw a smaller rounded rectangle, color: #c6c6c6. Add Inner Glow and Bevel and Emboss.


Step 62

Command/Ctrl-click rounded rectangle layer. Create new layer. Use soft brush to draw some highlights and shadows. See picture below for reference.


Step 63

Draw smaller rounded rectangle. Add Stroke. Change layer’s Opacity to 16% and Fill to 0%.


Step 64

Use soft brush to draw more highlights on center of the flash.


Step 65

Create new layer. Draw 1 px black lines. Reduce layer Opacity to 13%.


Step 66

Draw more shadows on top bottom of the flash surface.


Step 67

Create new layer and place it under the flash. Use soft brush to draw flash shadow.


Step 68: Rear Part

Draw a rounded rectangle. Place it behind all shapes.


Step 69

Duplicate shape. Add smaller rounded rectangle and from the option bar set it to Intersect. See picture below for its placement. Add following Layer Styles.


Step 70: AF Light

Draw a circle under the flash. Add Inner Shadow and Outer Glow.


Step 71

Draw smaller circle shape inside previous shape with color #4d4b43. Add Inner Shadow.


Step 72: Camera Label

Draw a rounded rectangle on lower left of the camera. Add Inner Glow and Bevel and Emboss. Add camera name inside the rounded rectangle.


Step 73: Selector

Draw a rounded rectangle on the opposite side. Add Inner Glow and Bevel and Emboss.


Step 74

Draw a rectangle in the middle of the shape. Add Gradient Overlay and Drop Shadow.


Step 75

Activate pen tool. Click lower side of the rectangle to add new point. Use Direct Selection Tool to pull it down.


Step 76

Draw a dark triangle shape.


Step 77

On top of the shape we have just created, draw a dark rounded rectangle. Add Layer Style Stroke.


Step 78

Draw circles and triangle for knob indicator.


Step 79: Colorful Ribbon

Our next step is drawing colorful ribbon across upper part of the camera body. Temporarily, hide flash. First, draw a tall red rectangle. Add Gradient Overlay to avoid flat color and Bevel and Emboss to give it three-dimensional appearance.


Step 80

Duplicate rectangle by Alt-dragging it. Change their color.


Step 81

Group all lines by selecting all line layers and hit Command/Ctrl + G. Command/Ctrl-click rounded rectangle shape that forms upper part of the camera. Click Add Layer Mask icon. Now, the ribbon is inside upper part of the camera.



Step 82

Repeat previous steps to add another ribbon on middle part of the camera.


Step 83

Duplicate shapes and put them on lower part of the camera.


Step 84

For these ribbons, change their Gradient Overlay mode from Screen to Multiply.


Step 85

Select the ribbon group. Hit Command/Ctrl + T to perform transformation. Right click and choose Perspective. Pull lower corner. See picture below for reference.

选择色带组。点击命令/按Ctrl + T进行改造。右击并选择视角。拉右下角。见下面的图片,以供参考。

Step 86

Select lower part of the ribbon. Invert selection by pressing Command/Ctrl + Shift + I then click Add Layer Mask icon.

选择较低的缎带的一部分。反转按命令/按Ctrl + Shift+I的选择,然后单击添加图层蒙板图标。

Step 87

Duplicate colorful ribbon group, resize it, and place it under the previous ribbon. Paint soft white line on some part of the ribbon to give it three-dimentional appearance.


Step 88

Create new layer above the ribbon. Paint black using soft brush with low Opacity to add depth onto the ribbon.


Step 89: Photo

Create new group for the photo. See picture below for reference on its position. Draw rectangular selection in front of the camera. Click Add Layer Mask icon.


Step 90

Use pen tool to draw basic shape of a photo. Add Gradient Overlay to avoid flat color and Stroke to add photo border, which is the characteristic of a Polaroid photo.


Step 91

Grab an image for the photo. I used a photo fromsxc.hu. Place the image right above the photo shape. Convert layer to Clipping Mask by pressing Command/Ctrl + Alt + G. The image will automatically goes inside the photo.

Step 92

Command/Ctrl-click photo shape. Create new layer above the image. Draw shadow on the photo.



Step 93

Create new layer and put it under the photo shape. Use soft brush tool to draw photo shadow on the floor.


Step 94: Camera Strap

Use pen tool to draw this shape. Put it behind the camera.


Step 95

Next, draw a big rounded rectangle. Pull two points on lower side up. Add a rectangle path and set it to Subtract mode.


Step 96: Shadows

Create new layer and place it under all layers. Draw a rectangular selection under the camera. Click Select > Modify > Feather, set radius to 35 pixels. Fill selection with black.




Step 97

Use brush tool to draw darker shadow right under the camera.


Final Image

Finally, we have reached the end. Here’s the final polaroid camera icon we have just created. I hope you enjoy this tutorial and learn some new techniques.



Inthis tutorial, we will create a Polaroid camera icon. We will use lots of layerstyles and draw manually with the brush tool to achieve a realistic appearance.Let’s get started!



Step 1:Upper Body

Createnew file, with size 600×700 px. Start by creating a rounded rectangle withcolor: #dbd3co.

创建新的文件,大小为600× 700像素。首先,创建一个圆角矩形的颜色:#dbd3co。


Hit Command/Ctrl + T to perform transformation. Right click and choose Perspective. Pull lower corner outward.

点击命令/按Ctrl + T进行改造。右击并选择视角。下角向外拉。

Step 3

Addfollowing layer styles.


Step 4

Command/Ctrl-clicklayer to get a selection based on its shape. Nudge selection 1 px up bypressing up arrow. Hold Command/Ctrl + Alt then click layer again to subtractthe selection. This process will give you a 1 px selection on top of the shape.


Ctrl键点击层以获得其形状为基础的选择。微调选择1像素注册按向上箭头。按住Command/按Ctrl + Alt然后再减去按层选择。这个过程会给你一个形状的前1像素的选择。

Step 5

Createnew layer and fill selection with white. Reduce layer opacity to 60%. Below,you can see the subtle difference before and after adding a 1 px line.


Step 6

Repeatprevious step, this time for bottom of the shape. Fill selection with black.


Step 7:Middle Body

Use pentool to create this shape. Use #dbd3co for its color. Add Layer Style InnerGlow and Gradient Overlay.


step 8

Duplicatethe shape we have just created. Place it behind the original. Use arrow tool tomove the topmost points up. Change shape color to #908a7a.


Step 9

Theshape is still too light. We need to darken it again to add more depth. Createnew layer. Convert layer to Clipping Mask by pressing Command/Ctrl + Alt + G.Paint black on top of the shape.

形状仍然过轻。我们需要再次变暗增加更多的深度。创建新的图层。转换层的迫切剪贴蒙版命令/按Ctrl+ Alt+G。填充顶部形状为黑色。

Step 10

Createnew layer. Activate brush tool, in the Option Bar set brush hardness to 0%.Draw a soft white line.


Step 11

Again, paintanother soft white lines on indicated areas.


Step 12

Createnew layer. Command/Ctrl-click shape. Use soft brush to paint white on eachedge. Reduce layer opacity to 9%.



Step 13:Camera Face

Draw arounded rectangle for front face of the camera. Use #24201d for its color. AddLayer Style Gradient Overlay.


Step 14

Insideprevious shape, draw smaller rounded rectangle with color #131611. Add followingLayer Styles.


Step 15

Add asmall rounded rectangle with color #4a4847 and place it in the middle of theprevious shape.


Step 16

Duplicateshape, move it up 1 px. Change its color to #2c2a29.


Step 17

Createa new layer and convert it to Clipping Mask by pressing Command/Ctrl + Alt + G.Draw shadow on top of the shape.

创建一个新层,并将其转换按命令/按Ctrl + Alt+G。画上阴影的形状到剪贴蒙版。

Step 18

Duplicatethe shapes by dragging it while holding the Alt key.


Step 19

Draw ablack rounded rectangle. See picture below to see its position.


Step 20

HitCommand/Ctrl + T, right click and choose Skew.

点击命令/按Ctrl + T,右击并选择偏差。

Step 21

Pulllower right corner up. Add Gradient Overlay.


Step 22

Duplicateshape. Move it to the opposite side. Hit Command/Ctrl + T to performtransformation. Right click and choose Flip Horizontal.

重复的形状。将它移动到另一侧。点击命令/按Ctrl+ T进行改造。右键单击并选择水平翻转。

Step 23

Draw a roundedcovering both shapes we have just created. Add Layer Styles.


Step 24

Usetype tool to add camera name. Add a subtle Drop Shadow to give itthree-dimensional appearance.


Step 25

Draw acircle to be used as a camera lens. Add Gradient Overlay.



Selectcircle path. Hit Command/Ctrl + C then Command/Ctrl + V to duplicate it.Perform transformation (Command/Ctrl + T) and make it smaller. See picturebelow to reference.



Ctrl + V键复制它。执行转换(命令/按Ctrl+ T),使之更小。见下面的图片参考。

Step 27

Fromthe option bar, set path mode to subtract.


Step 28

Createnew layer then convert it to Clipping Mask by pressing Command/Ctrl + Alt + G.Draw highlight on top of the lens.

创建新层,然后将其转换为剪贴蒙按命令/按Ctrl+ Alt+G借鉴镜头前的亮点。

Step 29

Createnew layer and put it behind shape we have just created. Create circularselection and fill it with black. Soften it by adding Gaussian Blur (Filter> Blur > Gaussian Blur).


Step 30

Draw acircle shape with color #212121. Duplicate shape then move it 5 px up. Set pathmode to Subtract.


Step 31

Next,create a ring shape. To create this shape, start with a regular circle shape,duplicate the path and transform it to smaller size. Set path mode to Subtract.Add Bevel and Emboss and Gradient Overlay.


Step 32

We willstart drawing inner part of the lens. First, I want you to know that they arejust simply lots of circle shapes combined with layer style. Draw a circleshape inside the lens.


Step 33

Again,draw smaller circle shape. Add Bevel and Emboss and Gradient Overlay.


Step 34

Duplicateshape we have just created. Resize it to 98%. Delete all its layer styles andadd Gradient Overlay with this setting.


Step 35

Duplicatetwo circle shapes that we have created in Step 32 – Step 34. Resize them to asmaller size.

重复的两个圆圈的形状,我们已经创建在步骤32- 步骤34。调整到一个较小的大小。


Drawa bigger circle shape from the same origin. Place it behind other circleshapes. Set Blend Mode layer to Screen, reduce its Opacity to 2%, and addStroke.


Step 35

Duplicateand resize shape a few times to create more lines. Remember that the Opacity ofthese shapes is only 2%, very subtle.


Step 36

Draw acircle shape with color #515151 covering the lens. Add Gradient Overlay andreduce its Opacity to 38%.


Step 37

Let’sadd highlight and shadow to make it more realistic. Create a circular selectioncovering the lens. Create new group then click Add Layer Mask icon.


Step 38

Createnew layer and make sure it is inside the group we have just created. Fill layerwith black. Click Filter > Render > Lens Flare. Change blend mode toScreen and reduce Opacity to 15%.


Step 39

Createnew layer and paint highlights on the lens. Reduce layer Opacity to 10%.


Step 40

Usesmaller brush to draw some lines on the lens. Change layer blend mode to Screenand reduce Opacity to 15%.


Step 41

Drawanother layer and draw a small highlight and shadow.


Step 42:Viewfinder

Draw arounded rectangle with color #1b1614. Add following Layer Styles.


Step 43

Drawsmaller rounded rectangle. Add following Layer Styles.


Step 44

Duplicatecircle shapes from lens and resize it until it fit inside the viewfinder.Create a new layer on top of the circle and draw some subtle highlights.


Step 45:Button

Draw agreen circle shape. Add following Layer Styles.


Step 46

Duplicatethe green circle shape. Place it behind the original shape. Resize it to 102%.


Step 47

Draw aring shape with color #c9c2b1. Add following layer styles.


Step 48

Draw ablack circle and put it behind the ring shape. This will add depth onto thering and make it seems like a hole.



Createnew layer and place it behind all other button shapes. Draw a soft shadow.


Step 50

Draw acircle shape. Add Layer Styles Outer Glow.


Step 51: Knob

Let’s continue with the second button. Draw another circle, this time use #383838 as its color. Add following Layer Styles.


Step 52

Create new layer on top of the circle. Hit Command/Ctrl + Alt + G to convert it to Clipping Mask. Draw lots of 1 px black vertical lines.

对创建新层圈顶部。点击命令/按Ctrl + Alt+


Step 53

Draw a darker circle on top of the previous circle. Add following Layer Styles.


Step 54

Draw a ring shape behind the knob and add following layer styles.


Step 55

Draw a black circle behind the ring shape.


Step 56

Use soft brush to draw soft shadow under the button.


Step 57

Draw a circle shape behind the ring. Add Outer Glow.


Step 58: Flash

Draw a rounded rectangle. Add these layer styles.


Step 59

Draw smaller rounded rectangle. Add following Layer Styles.


Step 60

Duplicate shape we have just created. Remove all Layer Styles used. Set Fill layer to 0% then add Layer Style Bevel and Emboss.


Step 61

Draw a smaller rounded rectangle, color: #c6c6c6. Add Inner Glow and Bevel and Emboss.


Step 62

Command/Ctrl-click rounded rectangle layer. Create new layer. Use soft brush to draw some highlights and shadows. See picture below for reference.


Step 63

Draw smaller rounded rectangle. Add Stroke. Change layer’s Opacity to 16% and Fill to 0%.


Step 64

Use soft brush to draw more highlights on center of the flash.


Step 65

Create new layer. Draw 1 px black lines. Reduce layer Opacity to 13%.


Step 66

Draw more shadows on top bottom of the flash surface.


Step 67

Create new layer and place it under the flash. Use soft brush to draw flash shadow.


Step 68: Rear Part

Draw a rounded rectangle. Place it behind all shapes.


Step 69

Duplicate shape. Add smaller rounded rectangle and from the option bar set it to Intersect. See picture below for its placement. Add following Layer Styles.


Step 70: AF Light

Draw a circle under the flash. Add Inner Shadow and Outer Glow.


Step 71

Draw smaller circle shape inside previous shape with color #4d4b43. Add Inner Shadow.


Step 72: Camera Label

Draw a rounded rectangle on lower left of the camera. Add Inner Glow and Bevel and Emboss. Add camera name inside the rounded rectangle.


Step 73: Selector

Draw a rounded rectangle on the opposite side. Add Inner Glow and Bevel and Emboss.


Step 74

Draw a rectangle in the middle of the shape. Add Gradient Overlay and Drop Shadow.


Step 75

Activate pen tool. Click lower side of the rectangle to add new point. Use Direct Selection Tool to pull it down.


Step 76

Draw a dark triangle shape.


Step 77

On top of the shape we have just created, draw a dark rounded rectangle. Add Layer Style Stroke.


Step 78

Draw circles and triangle for knob indicator.


Step 79: Colorful Ribbon

Our next step is drawing colorful ribbon across upper part of the camera body. Temporarily, hide flash. First, draw a tall red rectangle. Add Gradient Overlay to avoid flat color and Bevel and Emboss to give it three-dimensional appearance.


Step 80

Duplicate rectangle by Alt-dragging it. Change their color.


Step 81

Group all lines by selecting all line layers and hit Command/Ctrl + G. Command/Ctrl-click rounded rectangle shape that forms upper part of the camera. Click Add Layer Mask icon. Now, the ribbon is inside upper part of the camera.



Step 82

Repeat previous steps to add another ribbon on middle part of the camera.


Step 83

Duplicate shapes and put them on lower part of the camera.


Step 84

For these ribbons, change their Gradient Overlay mode from Screen to Multiply.


Step 85

Select the ribbon group. Hit Command/Ctrl + T to perform transformation. Right click and choose Perspective. Pull lower corner. See picture below for reference.

选择色带组。点击命令/按Ctrl + T进行改造。右击并选择视角。拉右下角。见下面的图片,以供参考。

Step 86

Select lower part of the ribbon. Invert selection by pressing Command/Ctrl + Shift + I then click Add Layer Mask icon.

选择较低的缎带的一部分。反转按命令/按Ctrl + Shift+I的选择,然后单击添加图层蒙板图标。

Step 87

Duplicate colorful ribbon group, resize it, and place it under the previous ribbon. Paint soft white line on some part of the ribbon to give it three-dimentional appearance.


Step 88

Create new layer above the ribbon. Paint black using soft brush with low Opacity to add depth onto the ribbon.


Step 89: Photo

Create new group for the photo. See picture below for reference on its position. Draw rectangular selection in front of the camera. Click Add Layer Mask icon.


Step 90

Use pen tool to draw basic shape of a photo. Add Gradient Overlay to avoid flat color and Stroke to add photo border, which is the characteristic of a Polaroid photo.


Step 91

Grab an image for the photo. I used a photo fromsxc.hu. Place the image right above the photo shape. Convert layer to Clipping Mask by pressing Command/Ctrl + Alt + G. The image will automatically goes inside the photo.

Step 92

Command/Ctrl-click photo shape. Create new layer above the image. Draw shadow on the photo.



Step 93

Create new layer and put it under the photo shape. Use soft brush tool to draw photo shadow on the floor.


Step 94: Camera Strap

Use pen tool to draw this shape. Put it behind the camera.


Step 95

Next, draw a big rounded rectangle. Pull two points on lower side up. Add a rectangle path and set it to Subtract mode.


Step 96: Shadows

Create new layer and place it under all layers. Draw a rectangular selection under the camera. Click Select > Modify > Feather, set radius to 35 pixels. Fill selection with black.




Step 97

Use brush tool to draw darker shadow right under the camera.


Final Image

Finally, we have reached the end. Here’s the final polaroid camera icon we have just created. I hope you enjoy this tutorial and learn some new techniques.




